The Sandcastle Dreams Story
When people look at Sandcastle Dreams, their first question is usually "Why?"
Why is there a Pooh bear and a fox? Why at the beach?
But my all-time favorite is, "Why didn't you just create a Vintage Pooh & Friends print?" It probably will connect better with people and generate more sales.
These are valid points and questions.
While a Pooh & Friends print will be absolutely precious, it will not tell the same story as Sandcastle Dreams.
The story of Sandcastle Dreams is for Pooh, and Pooh alone.
Why Only Pooh?
Winnie the Pooh was reintroduced to me when I began to interact with traumatized children. For some reasons, the simple expressions of Pooh -- his little eyes, extra big tummy, and round body -- made Pooh an attractive friend to hurting children.
After the creation of Sandcastle Dreams, I had the opportunity to speak with other trauma survivors. Pooh was once again mentioned as a "friend" to the lonely. The best explanation I got was, "I love Pooh. He is just a nice, huggable big teddy bear."
Pooh is special because he is non-threatening. Gentle. And in many ways think like a very simple child. Pooh eventually earned a place in my heart. He became special to me becasue he is special to the child I am trying to adopt.
Why the Fox? The Turtle?
Sandcastle Dreams is not only a dream, but it's the beginning of our dreams. It tells of our first experiences with traumatized children. The tears. The challenges. The progresses. The setbacks. And the peace that comes in the midst of the storm.
The turtle commemorates the embarkment of our journey in Hawaii. The beach was a place of healing for all of us. It was the place where fragile relationship in the form of sandcastle was rebuilt.
Through interacting with our own Pooh Bear, we (the Fox) learned that brokenness cannot be healed instantly. You cannot "love" hurts away. But you can bind up the hurts and allow them time and space to heal.
Why It's Important?
Sandcastle Dreams encompasses the dreams of many parents --- the dream of rebuilding childhood and making it beautiful again.
As parents, we are tasked with the immense challenge of raising our children. On the one hand, we are called to preserve our children's innocence, shield them from harm, and provide for their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
On the other hand, we are supposed to be that ray of sunshine for our children. We are here to help them grow, enjoy life, and bask in the joy of childhood where everything is beautiful, good, and hopeful.
Remember the Why's
With this amazing but challenging mission in front of us, it becomes obvious we are in desperate need of dreams. Not any regular dreams. But dreams that make the impossible, possible.
This kind of dream is what keeps me and many parents going. In the situation of foster care and adoption, dreams like this enables us to pick up our shattered hearts and try one more time.
As you look at the quiet waves on Sandcastle Dreams, I pray that God will grant you peace, hope, and strength on your journey as a parent. I pray that He will help you remember your why's and carry you through... knowing that behind every storm, there is at least a rainbow on the other side.